Wage Garnishment from Tax Debt

If you have been notified of an impending tax levy garnishment by the IRS, there are certain steps you can take to minimize or halt the government from seizing your wages. Wage garnishments can have serious repercussions on your financial standing. You could see a severe decrease in your take-home pay, which could hinder your ability to keep up with other day to day expenses.
Do not wait until the IRS has begun seizing your income to contact Frost Law. Whether you are being levied for back taxes, federal tax debt, or any other reason, our tax levy garnishment attorneys can help you determine your best course of action.
Are you looking for an attorney for tax levies?
Give us a call at (717) 251-5029 or fill out a brief contact form.
Why do Wage Garnishments Occur?
If a taxpayer has fallen behind on payments owed to the IRS and has not made legal arrangements with them to meet your dues, the IRS can place wage garnishments on the individual’s income. If the IRS chooses so, it can contact a taxpayer’s employer directly and demand they forward a certain percentage of the taxpayer’s income to the IRS. Since employers are bound by law to comply with these levies and the IRS does not need a court order to impose them, taxpayers could find they have the deck stacked against them when receiving a wage garnishment notice.
While this may seem dire, there is hope in the form of our Pennsylvania tax levy garnishment attorneys. Our firm has pursued countless cases to fight wage garnishments or renegotiate them on behalf of our clients. If left unchallenged, a levy on your paycheck could set you back years in terms of financial stability. Contact Frost Law immediately and let us defend your interests.
Challenging Wage Garnishments
Frost Law’s legal team can employ a litany of techniques to help clients dispute wage garnishments. Upon securing our services, we can take a deep dive into your case to see what legal remedies are at your disposal. Some of these techniques include:
Negotiating an installment agreement with the IRS
If a taxpayer is able to successfully negotiate an installment agreement to pay off his or her tax debt, the IRS will stop pursuing wage garnishments. These agreements typically would require the taxpayer to make monthly payments until their debt is cleared.
Proposing an Offer in Compromise (OIC)
Offer in Compromises allow taxpayers to negotiate a lower payment on what they owe the IRS. OICs are not a magic solution as the IRS is typically hesitant to accept it. To get an approval on an OIC, taxpayers must gather evidence which proves to the IRS that they will not be able to reasonably pay off the full amount owed before the statute of limitations expires.
This is an intricate process which requires the experience of a well-practiced law firm such as Frost Law. Attempting to negotiate an OIC without legal representation could backfire on taxpayers who are not familiar with the tax code.
Gaining Currently not collectible status
Oftentimes, wage garnishments can leave a taxpayer unable to support themselves and their family. If you are able to prove to the IRS that their levy on your wages is keeping you from meeting your basic needs, you may gain a temporary “currently not collectible” status where all wage garnishments are halted. The lifespan of this status varies case by case and can be renewed if necessary.
Local IRS Wage Garnishment Lawyers at your Service
You do not have to sit back and watch as the IRS takes your hard-earned money. By calling Frost Law’s Pennsylvania office at (717) 251-5029 or filling out the contact form, you can secure a free initial consultation with our top attorneys. Our legal team will sit down with you to review your case and answer any questions you may have. When you enlist our services, we will work tirelessly to defend your legal rights and help you get your life back on track.